I’ve been so incredibly busy lately, it’s ridiculous. I get home and just zone out once I’m done with my workout and other immediate chores. So here I sit at my computer, urging myself to get motivated to do some of my online work, but find myself getting sucked into Pinterest and Khan Academy’s new Exercise Dashboard. At least I’m using my brain at one of the sites, right?
Anyways, I’ve got quite a large dream garden pinboard going right now, and I thought I’d share some of my favorites with you. These are all amazing garden spaces that I aspire to have some day. I’ve done a bit of extra leg work, so I can hopefully link directly to the source of the photos as well. The first is an absolutely amazing greenhouse that was posted by a Swedish blogger over at Isas Tradgard. Oh how I would love to have this greenhouse. *sigh*
And next, grapes. I really really want to grow my own grapes. Jams, wines, I would do all kinds of things with grapes! Don’t they look yummy?
by Habub3 on Flickr
Don’t worry, of course I won’t forget the flowers! Someday I hope to live in a house with gardens that are so full that they seem almost chaotic. I want flowers to be bursting from the seams of my yard; tumbling over fences and onto the sidewalk!
Photo from HGTV.
by Abby Lanes on Flickr
So much beauty can be found in gardens, I wonder how anyone can enjoy living without one! Mark my words, someday I will have a garden almost as lovely as these ones!