Companion Planting in the Vegetable Garden

Last year my garden neighbor had a beautiful garden with flowers, herbs and veggies all mixed together.  It got me thinking, and this year I’m doing some research on companion planting. As it turns out, certain vegetables will do better or worse depending on what plants are growing around it.  It makes sense when you think about it.  Certain plants take more of different nutrients, or even attract or repel pests. For instance, basil is a great companion for tomatoes…

My First Landscaping Design

I just got done moving into a new house, and wanted to show you what I had done to the gardens in my last house. The landlord was fine with paying for all of my gardening supplies, which is understandable since I was increasing the curb appeal of his home. Here is a before (more like middle) photo of the back yard garden. There actually wasn’t even a garden there at all when we moved in. I had our landlord…

Community Garden Excitement

Last week was my first time at my new community garden plot.  While it’s still a bit too cold to start planting, we went to work installing a new door into the garden and re-installing some fencing.  It felt great to get out in the dirt again.  Looking for a Community Garden Program near you?  Try the ACGA website. This year will be my second year with the Community Garden program.  Last year I was disappointed when the deer got…

The Most Beautiful Flowers in the World.

I recently joined Flickr, and I’ve wasted so much time just browsing through peoples’ albums.  I am absolutely amazed at how many incredibly talented photographers are out there! Having been inspired by these people and their lovely photos, I’ve compiled a list of the most beautiful flowers in the world…acccording to me. Plumeria Lotus Poppy Passionflower Dahlia Pink Lady Slipper Flowers of the Cannonball Tree Lycoris Epiphyllum Trillium Photo credit: sphilp1225 Peonies Calla Lilies Anemones I could really go on…


I’m sure many of you have noticed the changes to the site in the past few days.  I’ve decided to get this blog up and running again, after my long absence! I’ve had to upgrade to the newest version of WordPress, which was a bit of a challenge since I’m not super knowledgeable when it comes to managing databases and stuff. I’m hoping to get the rest of the theme worked out pretty soon, so I may be rearranging things…