DIY Painted Rock Garden Markers

My garden is my oasis. While I don’t have a large budget or as much time as I’d like to be able to work on beautifying my garden, I find simple ways to add a touch of whimsy to my small plot. After scouring the web for cute, durable garden markers, I finally found the perfect project. Thanks Pinterest! Gathering stones was as simple as going to the beach on Lake Superior and filling up my Trader Joe’s bag. As…

DIY Friday (on Saturday). Paint Chip Art!

During my many hours spend surfing Pinterest, I came across a link for a great DIY project for creating paint chip art. Which doesn’t sound fancy, but end up looking like a pretty nice piece of framed art when on your walls. And seeing as it was nearly a free project, I had to try it. My results weren’t stellar, but I’m still pretty happy with my final piece of art. Now just so you know, I’m NOT very artistic….