The Mealybugs are BACK!

The Mealybugs:     I thought I had finally gotten rid of them a few months ago, and I haven’t seen them since- until this morning. Luckily I found them on the one Jade plant that is pretty much quarantined already. It is one of the few plants that I have in my living room, and luckily my other vulnerable plants are all upstairs. After I discovered the little pests, I ran upstairs to get my weapon of choice: my…

I Love Exotic Plants!

Here are some pictures that I took last weekend when I was down in the cities at the Como Zoo and Marjorie McNeely Conservatory. Apparently I was either a little too distracted in my excitement, or just a little loopy from the heat, but I forgot to look at all the little signs to actually find out what kind of plants these were. I know some of them are orchids, and I know the fourth one is a Lotus flower,…

Plant of the Week – Impatiens

Before I launch into all of the great information on my newest Plant of the Week, I’m sorry for not having posted in such a long time! I’ve been very busy in the past few weeks trying to find a new job. (What can I say, $6.59 per hour just isn’t cutting it right now!) I am really hoping to get something soon, so I can stop worrying about it. After that, I will post all the time- I promise!…

A Wannabe Herb Garden

Here are some pictures of my wannabe herb (basil)  garden. I planted Chives, Basil, Cilantro, Lettuce, and I also have a Cherry Tomato plant (totally not an herb, but I still feel as if it goes with the theme). I’ve decided that later I will have a post dedicated to all of my edible plants, then I can also include my yummy little Everbearing Strawberry plant!   Surprisingly, my Basil looks great! I will be ready to make some great…

Plant of the Week – Columbine

My mom and I were at the greenhouse this weekend shopping, when we spotted a bunch of Columbine plants. I have always loved these unique looking flowers ever since the first time I found them growing wild in the woods by our house when I was young. The wild Columbine were red and yellow; I would always pick them and put them in my bedroom so I could enjoy them as much as possible. At the greenhouse this weekend we…