How Zen, a photo by GardenBluesPhotography on Flickr. To me, there’s something magical about being in my garden. No matter how stressful my life is, puttering around my garden seems to heal my soul. When growing season rolls around, I will make time for my garden every single day without fail. It just feels like something that I need. And maybe I do need it. Mentally, spiritually, and physically. Ah, I can’t wait to get into my garden again. We’ve…
Author: Jocelyn
My Summer Garden Experience in Retrospect
No matter how many lovely, sun-shiny days we have in Minnesota, the summer always seems to fly by. I’m always anxious to get my seeds and plants in the ground come May, and inevitably end up killing a few because I put them out too soon. Before long, I’m willing my tomatoes to ripen faster, in the hopes that they’ll turn red before the first frost hits. This summer was no exception. I managed to snag an awesome community garden…
New Website Info
As many of you have noticed, I’m currently working on updating The Garden Corner. So far I’ve updated to a newer version of mySQL, PHP, WordPress, and updated to a newer theme. I’m working on it outside of my normal job, so it may be a little slow going. So please bear with me. I’ll be posting updates as I go. Thanks!
I’ve Transplanted Myself to Portland, Oregon!
I’ve moved from chilly zone 3b to temperate zone 8! That’s right. EIGHT. I’m so giddy I don’t know what to do with myself! According to this neat little table that I found, I’ve nearly doubled the length of my growing season! Unfortunately I had to abandon my community garden plot in Minnesota around the end of our growing season. I got some of the harvest in time, but the rest was left to my roommate. Here are a few…
Photos From the Vegetable Garden
The strawberry plant was already in my garden plot from last year. Lucky me! The second photo is a picture of my cabbage, cucumber, and beans. And lastly are my tiny tomato and pepper plants. As you can see, vegetable gardening is slow going in Norther Minnesota. I’ll post more pictures within a few weeks and hopefully the plants will all be much bigger!