DIY Friday (on Saturday). Paint Chip Art!

During my many hours spend surfing Pinterest, I came across a link for a great DIY project for creating paint chip art. Which doesn’t sound fancy, but end up looking like a pretty nice piece of framed art when on your walls. And seeing as it was nearly a free project, I had to try it. My results weren’t stellar, but I’m still pretty happy with my final piece of art. Now just so you know, I’m NOT very artistic….

Meanwhile, in my Dream Garden…

I’ve been so incredibly busy lately, it’s ridiculous. I get home and just zone out once I’m done with my workout and other immediate chores. So here I sit at my computer, urging myself to get motivated to do some of my online work, but find myself getting sucked into Pinterest and Khan Academy’s new Exercise Dashboard. At least I’m using my brain at one of the sites, right? Anyways, I’ve got quite a large dream garden pinboard going right…

DIY Friday – Re-Growing Green Onions

Most people don’t realize that green onions can be easily re-grown; all you have to pay for is the first bunch! It’s a great way to be frugal while still using your green thumb (at least a little). Just stick them in a jar with water covering the white part of the ends. Place them in the fridge, or on a bright area in your kitchen- both will work. Within a week or so, they’ll be ready again! You can…

Blizzards, Begonias, and Winter Blues

Blizzards and Winter Blues After months of (very rare) warm and rainy weather here in northern Minnesota, winter caught up with us in only 5 days! We’ve had two huge snow storms, which have left me stuck indoors and feeling pretty darn restless! Now my seeds have all been delivered, but my dreams of an early spring have been dumped on by 3 feet of snow. My cabin fever was so bad this morning, that I decided to layer myself…

DIY Friday – How to Grow Your Own Sprouts!

I love sprouts. I eat them on eggs, sandwiches, salads, you name it. I’ve always wanted to grow my own sprouts from seeds, and finally got the chance to do it this winter! While browsing Etsy one day, I happened upon some sprouting seeds. I immediately knew that I had to give them a try! I purchased the French Salad Mix, which is a combination of clover, arugula, china rose radish, and fenugreek, from Moonlight Micro Farm, and thus my…